I Met the Man of my Dreams on the Train....So I thought
I ride the MARTA Train (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) every day to work and like most public transients you see your fair share of crazies, so as a train rider I usually keep to myself. Most days I keep my headphones on and look straight ahead and make eye contact with no one...until one day.
I had been living in East Atlanta for about a month, so riding this particular line was new for me, so I was pretty alert as I got accustomed to my new surroundings. One day as I walked to my car a random guy that I had never seen before turned to me and said: "I see you changed your hair". I was a bit confused when he said this because he didn't say hi and I had never seen or spoken to this man before. So at first, I assumed he wasn't talking to me. I change my hair often so it is hard to remember what styles I had at any given time, so I had to think about his question for a second. I didn't know what he meant and I guess he could tell by the look of confusion on my face so he says "remember you had braids". I replied, "yes I took those out a few weeks ago". So, at this point, he has my attention and I sized him up. He is about 5'10, my complexion with a nice thick beard (ladies I am a sucka for some nice facial hair). I think to myself he isn't bad on the eyes. He is very casually dressed in a Polo shirt, Levis, black socks and a pair of black flip flops. I want to assume he is coming from work but the way he is dressed my initial thought was "he ain't coming from work". I know ladies I totally judged him by the way he looked, but he was a bit rough around the edges (which I like). Before we jumped in our cars he introduces himself and says "hi I'm Rico" (for the sake of this story we are going to refer to mystery bae as "Rico").
In the coming weeks, I continue to run into "Rico" he smiles and waves at me as we walk to our cars and we never really have a conversation until one day "Rico" chases after me. He stops me and says "excuse me you dropped something out of your purse". "Rico" hands me a Wal-Mart receipt and says "I didn't know if this was important". As we walk to our cars, "Rico" notices my license plate says The Ohio State University and Rico tells me he went to the University of Alabama. We make a couple of quick football jokes and laugh as we get in our cars. So, at this point "Rico" and I are engaged in a conversation. "Rico" seems super cool and chill but ladies he forgot my name. At this point "Rico" is losing major cool points. He apologizes and I re-introduce myself. It's pretty obvious that he is into me and I know it's only a matter of time before "Rico" asks for my number.
The following day I see "Rico" but this time at the train station. He sits next to me and we talk the whole train ride. As we walk to our cars "Rico" asks me what type of work I do for a living. I tell him I work for the State in communications. He reveals he is a building engineer and he wears a uniform to work so that is the reason for his casual dress on the train. I know ladies.... I totally judged "Rico" now I feel bad. At this point I am impressed with "Rico": good job, car, educated, and a sexy beard.... okay "Rico" is winning right now!!!!!! Rico and I exchange numbers and we start to get to know each other.
Rico reveals he is a single dad to a 10-year-old son and his conversation was great. I am excited to finally meet someone who is normal. He was polite, smart, sweet and ambitious and has all the qualities.
The following week I head to "Essence Festival" and "Rico" and I make plans for our first date the day I return. During my trip, I kept in contact with "Rico" via text and I was really excited for our first date. As the day goes on I do not hear from "Rico". I finally hear from him and he needs to reschedule due to a family emergency.
Over the next few days "Rico" is very distant. I reach out to him to find out was everything okay, but he simply says "I will explain later". So, at this point, my mind starts to wonder. What could it be? The only constant thought in my head is "what if his ex is pregnant"?
The next day "Rico" and I finally speak and my predictions are correct. Over the weekend, "Rico" finds out his ex is 16 weeks pregnant. She has known the whole time and failed to make him aware. I immediately try to comfort him but in my mind, I'm thinking why the hell is this happening to me?? This feels like a real-life episode of "Insecure". Who actually meets the man of their dreams on the train?? I knew this love story sound too good to be true.
After a few conversations, "Rico" and I decided we should just be friends due to the hectic turn of events that has changed his life. One thing I did learn from "Rico" is my perception of men with children. I have always been open to the idea of dating a man with one child, but men with multiple kids and baby mamas has always been a danger zone for me. I never really saw myself as a step-mom but "Rico" has changed my mind on this topic. I always thought men with multiple baby mamas were no good and they just laid seeds everywhere and got up and left the woman with the child. "Rico" made me realize that isn't the case and there are reasons why men leave the home, but you can still be a great dad despite not living in the home.
I don't know what purpose "Rico" serves in my life but I intend to find out. It may not be the right time or situation, but only God knows what's in store for us. Maybe I will see him "Next Lifetime".